Lo Adventurers! Answer the call and join us for epic battle, discovery of secrets and treasure and fun roleplay.
Newcomers and D&D players with lots of previous XP alike are welcome. This is Fifth Edition Adventurers League legal play. If you don’t know what this means, no problem. Come in a little early and we can help get you started. This event is free to attend. Reserve your spot in advance on our Warhorn page here: https://warhorn.net/events/west-seattle-dnd
- Players Must be at least 16 years of age to participate.
- Characters must use point-buy or standard array.
- Characters may not have any trait or feature that allows flying at-will (spells and items ok).
- Player vs. player scenarios will not be allowed.
- Players are expected to treat each other with respect and actively cooperate on their quests. The DM reserves the right to dismiss players at their discretion.